Experiences with horses provide real opportunities for mirroring life which helps you quickly see the problems and find solutions that work for you.  We work with individuals, families, and groups of all ages.  Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy provides powerful opportunities to get to the heart of the issues and lead to healthier communication, stronger partnerships, and happier relationships.  All of the experiences with the horses are done on the ground and no prior knowledge of horses is needed.  The treatment team involves a Licensed Psychologist, Dr. Catherine Howell, experienced Equine Specialist, Carla Owen, and horses who will work with you to successfuly reach your goals. 

Let Horses Lead You to the Solutions You Need! 
Whether treating trauma, social and behavioral problems, depression, anxiety, or other issues.

Certified Staff and Horses Working with You to Successfully Reach Your Goals
Dr. Howell and Cartright